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Featured Articles on How-to Marketing
Marketers share their very best secrets and tips for marketing success.

Why Marketing Campaigns Must Have Video
Video clips playing on your business website can entice visitors to stay longer and buy more. Mark Macias explains how videos can showcase your company and enhance customer experience.

Social Marketing for Non-Profits
Tammie Ferguson says marketing neophytes may get a break into entry level positions and even do some good with non-profit work.

What is Social Marketing?
Nedra Klien Weinreich wrote the book on it -- "Hands-On Social Marketing" -- and with her 'change for good' website describes and supports social marketing campaigns. 

Social Marketing Institute
The SMI will "learn, develop and facilitate the application of the very best social marketing practices in a wide range of settings all over the world." The site features success stories, papers, and employment listings.

Social Marketing: A Resource Guide
A how-to social marketing guide (pdf file) with topic headings including Social Marketing 101, Social Marketing Tools, Social Marketing Case Study -- courtesy of

Nonprofit and Philanthropy Good Practice
The NPGoodpractice project provides nonprofit organizers hands-on tips, articles, best practices, and dicussion forums supporting nonprofit and philanthropic works.

Marketing Health Services
An AMA quarterly publication "specifically aimed at senior-level healthcare marketers and managers, offers targeted information, practical strategies and thought-provoking commentary to help achieve your goals and shape your vision."

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Useful sponsored news items, services, products, releases, and announcements. You may promote your company or client on this popular award-winning website by placing your own sponsored article on specially designated pages.

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