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Apps to Monitor Online Reputations
Keep tabs on your online rep with these five tools.
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 by Erin Steiner

Once upon a time you could control, for the most part, what people knew about you.

And then the Internet got invented and all that went out the window. Yes. It really does suck.

The last thing you want is for a potential customer to choose to do business elsewhere because a Google search of your name turned up a video of you (that someone else has posted without your knowing about it) doing body shots at a friend’s bachelorette party. Or, worse, admitting that though you do not have children of your own, you can’t get enough of the VeggieTales videos.

Here’s the good news: Now there are things that you can do to take back some of the control over what gets posted about you online. This is called reputation management, and of course there’s an app for that. There are lots of apps for that. Here are five of the best.


Secure.Me is a great application for gauging how things sit for you currently. The focus of Secure.Me is primarily privacy issues. It will let you know if your actions online (and those of your friends and contacts) make you easy to stalk. This is one of the best apps to use when you need to get “the big picture” or some ideas of quick and easy things you can do to improve your online reputation.


Whos Talkin ( is free and Web-based. You just put whatever you want to search for in the field and bingo! It is a great gauge for what people are saying about you and when they are saying it. Beware, though, if you are active on social media because scrolling through the results you get are going to take forever.

Me on the Web

Me on the Web, offered through Google Dashboard, is one of the best tools out there for monitoring the entire Internet for your name, your brand, and even the keywords that matter most to you. It also helps you figure out how to deal with third-party apps that might be posting your information without your permission. is definitely one of the leaders in the field of online reputation management, so no list would be complete without them. They have a Web-based app that you can use to monitor your reputation online for free. Just type in what you want to monitor and viola! You’re on your way!


Trackur offers a free option to help you get started with the service, but for the most part, the good stuff is saved for people who are going to pay for monitoring. It’s great if you’re established and can afford such things, but if you’re just starting out, you might want to stick with the “all the time” free tools mentioned above.

Making sure that what is posted about you is accurate (and hopefully positive) is really important! The last thing you want is to be caught unaware or, worse, to think you’ve got a great reputation only to find out months too late that someone has been working to trash what you’ve worked so hard to build.

Erin Steiner is a full-time freelance writer who
writes about a variety of topics.

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